Saturday, May 21, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer

So once again we are nearing the end of another school year.  I don't know about the rest of you but I've been flat out since March.  Testing, getting the lab cleaned up, shelf-reading, weeding, helping students with projects, working with teachers to coordinate research and library time... Needless to say it's been crazy!

This particular article is for new librarians.  Something you ought to consider is developing an end of the year check list of items that need to be completed before you leave. 

Inventory: now I know this can be a daunting task, especially the first time and if you work alone it can be difficult.  Call a library friend with similar software, make sure you understand the process.  If you don't have someone in your professional network who can help, check the web for instructions on how to inventory using your library software. 

Create an Annual Report: start with what went right this year, include circulation numbers, the number of people using the library space, database usage, important additions to the collection and any losses you've experienced.  Examine the threats to your program, what is keeping you from really getting things done?  Include quotes from library users, both good and bad.   What opportunities do you have to improve services?  Include pictures of people using the library.  Use graphs to report statistics.  Try to find the positive.

Clear out things that are broken, or unused.  Most libraries have a motley collection of broken junk.  Get rid of it, send broken equipment out to be repaired.  Remove broken furniture.  Clean like your mother is coming to visit.  Make that your Mother-in-Law...

Start lists of what you need for next year.  Clean out your files both physically and virtually.  Prepare new folders for next year. 

Being organized will keep you from feeling overwhelmed when the new year starts.  Finally your library is clean, your shelves are read, your desk is clear.  Take a picture, because it starts all over again in a few weeks!